Why some
weight trainers fail to make progress!
The reason
we lift weights is to grow muscle and become stronger - Period! There is no
other physiological reason or logic.
So why do so
many fail at making real progress? Here is one of the reasons I have noticed.
distraction: Yes, the curse of so many choices. Back in the days before modern
muscle-building, the want to-be-bodybuilder had few choices of modes of
training methods. There were barbells, dumbbells, benches and a few different
simple cable machines. So a weight trainer just kept training with the basic
weight lifting tools using the basic exercises and you know what happened? They
grew muscle!
They didn't
worry about a special machine to use, nor did they fret about the speed or
cadence of the reps they were performing and they sure as heck couldn't have
cared less about the workout clothing they were wearing. There was a time when
workout clothing was not a fashion and definitely was not a passion.
So what the
heck happened?
Here's what
happened!! Building muscle went mainstream and lost its soul. Yes, corporate
enterprises took over and turned the passion into fashion. The result was
watered down training methods and the focus was shifted to supplements,
clothing, fancy machines and methods of diet and training that don't produce
long-term results!
Did you know
that when Mike Katz trained for the Mr. Universe he trained in a two car
garage? Did you know that he was also a full-time teacher at a high school at
that time? And he was also one of the LAST DRUG FREE competitor's.
So what does
this have to do with you?
Ask yourself
these questions:
· Do I
change my workout routine every few weeks?
· When I'm
working out do I care if my shirt and shorts match?
· Do I keep
looking (and buying) supplements that I think will make my muscles bigger and
· Do I
consume energy drinks to help me train harder?
· Am I
always on a diet?
· Do I
mostly eat chicken breast, vegetables and rice or potato's?
Well if you
answered yes to most of these questions your most likely caught up in the
corporate buyer's side of bodybuilding or fitness.
The roots of
bodybuilding are founded on a few simple principles. Here they are:
1. The real
muscle builder uses free weights to near exclusion
2. Training
sessions are centered on core compound multi-joint exercises
3. Training
sessions are intense
4. Training
sessions are short
5. Shocked
and traumatized muscles need to be rested before training them again
6. Perfect
technique of exercise must be used for every set and rep
The most
important aspect for anyone doing any kind of weight training is to remember
this: The profound purpose of resistance training is two-fold, 1. trigger
muscle growth and 2. increase strength levels. Nothing else should be sought or
muscle and strength building is a raw, brutal undertaking and anyone who tells
you different either doesn't know what they are talking about or are trying to
sell you a product!
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