The Secret to Lean Muscle, Strength, Health and Other Things


Then listen to my mantra...
"Be just what you is, not what you is not. Folks what do this has the happiest lot."
I learned this at age 5 from a cartoon called "Tooter Turtle" back in 1964. You see the tooter the turtle always wanted to be something he was not so he would go to Mr. Wizard (a lizard) who had the magic to change Tooter's life to some other destiny, usually sending him back in time and to various locales.
When Tooter's trip finally became a catastrophe, Tooter would request help with a cry of "Help me Mr. Wizard, I don't want to be X anymore!" where X was whatever destiny Tooter had entered. Mr. Wizard would then rescue Tooter with the incantation, "Twizzle, Twazzle, Twozzle, Twome; time for this one to come home." Then, Mr. Wizard would always give Tooter the same advice: "Be just what you is, not what you is not. Folks what do this has the happiest lot."
You see, I am on a whole bunch of muscle building, bodybuilding, fat loss, weight-lifting and health newsletters. I get at least 25 to 30 of these every day. They are all the same. They offer you these promises.. The "Trick to Fast Fat Loss or Weight Loss", or "Genetics don't matter" or "Super supplement is better than steroids" kind of stuff. Many of these people that sell this baloney never trained themselves or made much progress. Even more deceiving are the hucksters selling these program who do have a good looking physique (they may even be 40 to 70 years old) and are taking pharmaceutical drugs.
Listen to me, it is not complicated. I do it all in my two car garage and so have thousands, maybe millions of other people. There have been men who have won the title of Mr. America and Mr. Universe and they trained with a partner in a garage or basement or a YMCA that had dumbbells, barbells maybe a power rack or just a squat rack. Nothing fancy, just the basic exercises with constant progression and perseverance.
The point I am making is this.
I receive a lot of emails from guys and girls wanting to look like some person they follow on YouTube or Facebook or some other form of social or broadcast media. They are amazed at the lean, strong and muscular physique they see on this person and want to build the same physique themselves. They buy the program or membership and go at it only to fall to failure - why? Because they followed a flawed weight lifting and diet program. The creator of the program never actually used the program or if they did use the program they were also on steroids or testosterone or one of the many recreational drugs used to building lean muscle and burning fat.
Learn to be a leader, not a follower. Follow your instincts and not your emotions and you'll be a leader and success will be you!


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